Juheon Cho
조주현(b.1987)은 개인서사의 상품화, 드로잉을 통한 자기회복, 디아스포라, 예술적 노동의 가치에 관심을 가지며 진채화, 드로잉, 설치, 디지털 미디어 등 여러 매체를 사용해서 일상 속에서 부유하는 고민들과 감각들을 시각화하는 작업을 전개한다. ‘@project.dear.diary’, '@a.work.towards.incomplete-Mindscape(미완성을 향한 일)' 프로젝트를 통해 그녀는 ‘관찰자'에서 나아가 자신의 환경에 대한 적극적인 참여로 자기 재구성의 방법을 예술적 활동을 통해 모색하는 ‘활동가'가 되려한다. 특히 최근 회화작업에서는 작가 개인의 일상 드로잉이 서사성을 잃고 패턴화, 상품화되어 원래의 가치가 축소되는 과정을 탐구하며, 작품의 불완전성의 힘을 활용하여 관객이 작가의 노동을 인식하게 하는 동시에 작가와 작업의 지속 가능한 관계형성의 가능성을 제시한다.
1987년 출생
베를린에서 활동
2015 골드스미스대학교 순수예술과 석사 졸업
2011 이화여자대학교 한국화과 학사 졸업
2010 이화여자대학교 회화. 판화과 학사 졸업
2023 @project.dear.diary, Junghyun Gallery, 브로츠와프, 폴란드
2021 Memorie; Obersee, Villa Heike, 베를린, 독일
2017 A Spectacle Fever; media between real and digital, 갤러리도스, 서울
2016 Tamed by spectacle-the opaqueness of image, The Muse at 269 Gallery, 런던, 영국
2015 The Little Boy and a Toxic Land, 5th Base Gallery, 런던, 영국
주요 단체전
2024 The Incorrigible Drawing Club. 2, Ladies Drawing Clüb, 티비실, 조지아
2023 Artworks, Barbican Arts Group Trust, 런던, 영국
2023 Letter from the East, Studio ID, 베를린, 독일
2022 BBA Art Exhibition, Kühlhaus, 베를린, 독일
2021 Unblock.Berlin, Studio ID, 베를린, 독일
2017 Media Ecstasy, 경북대학교 미술관, 대구
2017 제작의 미래, 대구예술발전소, 대구
수상 및 선정
2023 Barbican Arts Group Trust Prize (3위 수상), 런던, 영국
2022 BBA Art Prize (3위 수상), 베를린, 독일
2021 ArtConnect Magazine - Artists to Watch 2021, 베를린, 독일
2024 Dark Skies, Wild Seas: Cot Valley Group Artist Residency, 콘월, 영국
Born in 1987
Lives and works in Berlin
2015 MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
2011 BFA Korean Painting, Ewha Womans University, KR
2010 BFA Fine Art and Printmaking, Ewha Womans University, KR
Solo Exhibitions
2023 @project.dear.diary, Junghyun Gallery, Wrocław, PL
2021 Memories; Obersee, Villa Heike, Berlin, DE
2017 A Spectacle Fever; media between real and digital, GalleryDOS, Seoul, KR
2016 Tamed by spectacle-the opaqueness of image, The Muse at 269 Gallery, London, UK
2015 The Little Boy and a Toxic Land, 5th Base Gallery, London, UK
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 The Incorrigible Drawing Club. 2, Ladies Drawing Clüb, Tbilisi, GE
2023 Artworks, Barbican Arts Group Trust, London, UK
2023 Letter from the East, Studio ID, Berlin, DE
2022 BBA Art Exhibition, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE
2021 Unblock.Berlin, Studio ID, Berlin, DE
2017 Media Ecstasy, Art Museum KNU, Daegu, KR
2017 Future with Arts, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, KR
Awards & Grants
2023 Barbican Arts Group Trust Prize (3rd prize), London, UK
2022 BBA Art Prize (3rd prize), Berlin, DE
2021 ArtConnect Magazine - Artists to Watch 2021, Berlin, DE
2024 Dark Skies, Wild Seas: Cot Valley Group Artist Residency, Cornwall, UK
Mein lieber Obersee, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), paint on resin rock, dimensions variable
Mein lieber Obersee, 2021, 장지에 채색, 레진에 페인트, 가변설치Mein lieber Obersee, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), paint on resin rock, dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #1, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #1, 2021, 장지에 채색, 가변설치 Memories; Obersee #1, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #2, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #2, 2021, 장지에 채색, 가변설치Memories; Obersee #2, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #3, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #3, 2021, 장지에 채색, 가변설치Memories; Obersee #3, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #1, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #1, 2021, 폴리우레탄, 미니어처, 아크릴, 크롬캐스트,프로젝터, 스마트폰, 가변설치Lichtenberg #1, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #2, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #2, 2021, 폴리우레탄, 미니어처, 아크릴, 크롬캐스트,프로젝터, 스마트폰, 가변설치Lichtenberg #2, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Mindscape-24102023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 125 x 175 x 10 cm
Mindscape-24102023 (미완성을 향하는 일), 2023, 장지에 채색, 125 x 175 x 10 cmMindscape-24102023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 125 x 175 x 10 cm
Wind/Mindscape-28012024,28012024,10022024 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2024, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 60 x 80 x 4 cm each
Wind/Mindscape-28012024,28012024,10022024 (미완성을 향하는 일), 2024, 장지에 채색, 각 60 x 80 x 4 cmWind/Mindscape-28012024,28012024,10022024 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2024, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 60 x 80 x 4 cm each
Mindscape-06052023,23052023,23062023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 75 x 50 x 4 cm each
Mindscape-06052023,23052023,23062023 (미완성을 향하는 일), 2023, 장지에 채색, 각 75 x 50 x 4 cmMindscape-06052023,23052023,23062023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 75 x 50 x 4 cm each
Funk; my mental fog, 2023, colour pencil on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm each
Funk; my mental fog, 2023, 종이에 색연필, 각 21 x 29.7 cmFunk; my mental fog, 2023, colour pencil on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm each
조주현(b.1987)은 개인서사의 상품화, 드로잉을 통한 자기회복, 디아스포라, 예술적 노동의 가치에 관심을 가지며 진채화, 드로잉, 설치, 디지털 미디어 등 여러 매체를 사용해서 일상 속에서 부유하는 고민들과 감각들을 시각화하는 작업을 전개한다. ‘@project.dear.diary’, '@a.work.towards.incomplete-Mindscape(미완성을 향한 일)' 프로젝트를 통해 그녀는 ‘관찰자'에서 나아가 자신의 환경에 대한 적극적인 참여로 자기 재구성의 방법을 예술적 활동을 통해 모색하는 ‘활동가'가 되려한다. 특히 최근 회화작업에서는 작가 개인의 일상 드로잉이 서사성을 잃고 패턴화, 상품화되어 원래의 가치가 축소되는 과정을 탐구하며, 작품의 불완전성의 힘을 활용하여 관객이 작가의 노동을 인식하게 하는 동시에 작가와 작업의 지속 가능한 관계형성의 가능성을 제시한다.
1987년 출생
베를린에서 활동
2015 골드스미스대학교 순수예술과 석사 졸업
2011 이화여자대학교 한국화과 학사 졸업
2010 이화여자대학교 회화. 판화과 학사 졸업
2023 @project.dear.diary, Junghyun Gallery, 브로츠와프, 폴란드
2021 Memorie; Obersee, Villa Heike, 베를린, 독일
2017 A Spectacle Fever; media between real and digital, 갤러리도스, 서울
2016 Tamed by spectacle-the opaqueness of image, The Muse at 269 Gallery, 런던, 영국
2015 The Little Boy and a Toxic Land, 5th Base Gallery, 런던, 영국
주요 단체전
2024 The Incorrigible Drawing Club. 2, Ladies Drawing Clüb, 티비실, 조지아
2023 Artworks, Barbican Arts Group Trust, 런던, 영국
2023 Letter from the East, Studio ID, 베를린, 독일
2022 BBA Art Exhibition, Kühlhaus, 베를린, 독일
2021 Unblock.Berlin, Studio ID, 베를린, 독일
2017 Media Ecstasy, 경북대학교 미술관, 대구
2017 제작의 미래, 대구예술발전소, 대구
수상 및 선정
2023 Barbican Arts Group Trust Prize (3위 수상), 런던, 영국
2022 BBA Art Prize (3위 수상), 베를린, 독일
2021 ArtConnect Magazine - Artists to Watch 2021, 베를린, 독일
2024 Dark Skies, Wild Seas: Cot Valley Group Artist Residency, 콘월, 영국
Born in 1987
Lives and works in Berlin
2015 MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
2011 BFA Korean Painting, Ewha Womans University, KR
2010 BFA Fine Art and Printmaking, Ewha Womans University, KR
Solo Exhibitions
2023 @project.dear.diary, Junghyun Gallery, Wrocław, PL
2021 Memories; Obersee, Villa Heike, Berlin, DE
2017 A Spectacle Fever; media between real and digital, GalleryDOS, Seoul, KR
2016 Tamed by spectacle-the opaqueness of image, The Muse at 269 Gallery, London, UK
2015 The Little Boy and a Toxic Land, 5th Base Gallery, London, UK
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 The Incorrigible Drawing Club. 2, Ladies Drawing Clüb, Tbilisi, GE
2023 Artworks, Barbican Arts Group Trust, London, UK
2023 Letter from the East, Studio ID, Berlin, DE
2022 BBA Art Exhibition, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE
2021 Unblock.Berlin, Studio ID, Berlin, DE
2017 Media Ecstasy, Art Museum KNU, Daegu, KR
2017 Future with Arts, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, KR
Awards & Grants
2023 Barbican Arts Group Trust Prize (3rd prize), London, UK
2022 BBA Art Prize (3rd prize), Berlin, DE
2021 ArtConnect Magazine - Artists to Watch 2021, Berlin, DE
2024 Dark Skies, Wild Seas: Cot Valley Group Artist Residency, Cornwall, UK
Mein lieber Obersee, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), paint on resin rock, dimensions variable
Mein lieber Obersee, 2021, 장지에 채색, 레진에 페인트, 가변설치Mein lieber Obersee, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), paint on resin rock, dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #1, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #1, 2021, 장지에 채색, 가변설치 Memories; Obersee #1, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #2, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #2, 2021, 장지에 채색, 가변설치Memories; Obersee #2, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #3, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Memories; Obersee #3, 2021, 장지에 채색, 가변설치Memories; Obersee #3, 2021, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #1, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #1, 2021, 폴리우레탄, 미니어처, 아크릴, 크롬캐스트,프로젝터, 스마트폰, 가변설치Lichtenberg #1, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #2, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Lichtenberg #2, 2021, 폴리우레탄, 미니어처, 아크릴, 크롬캐스트,프로젝터, 스마트폰, 가변설치Lichtenberg #2, 2021, miniatures on polyurethane foam with chrome cast, projector, smartphone, dimensions variable
Mindscape-24102023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 125 x 175 x 10 cm
Mindscape-24102023 (미완성을 향하는 일), 2023, 장지에 채색, 125 x 175 x 10 cmMindscape-24102023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 125 x 175 x 10 cm
Wind/Mindscape-28012024,28012024,10022024 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2024, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 60 x 80 x 4 cm each
Wind/Mindscape-28012024,28012024,10022024 (미완성을 향하는 일), 2024, 장지에 채색, 각 60 x 80 x 4 cmWind/Mindscape-28012024,28012024,10022024 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2024, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 60 x 80 x 4 cm each
Mindscape-06052023,23052023,23062023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 75 x 50 x 4 cm each
Mindscape-06052023,23052023,23062023 (미완성을 향하는 일), 2023, 장지에 채색, 각 75 x 50 x 4 cmMindscape-06052023,23052023,23062023 (A Work Towards Incomplete), 2023, korean traditional colour pigment on handmade mulberry pulp paper(Hanji), 75 x 50 x 4 cm each
Funk; my mental fog, 2023, colour pencil on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm each
Funk; my mental fog, 2023, 종이에 색연필, 각 21 x 29.7 cmFunk; my mental fog, 2023, colour pencil on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm each